Abstract: | The purpose of this study is to address the challenge facing Implementation of Hello Cash Project
in Lion International Bank S.C. To address this objective a descriptive research design was
employed and quantitative approaches were used. Both primary and secondary source of data
were employed. Enclose ended questioner as a primary data and different document analysis
were done as a source of secondary data. The sampling design that was employed for this study
was purposive sampling. Data was gathered by distributing 90 questionnaires to the respondents.
The data obtained through questionnaire has been analyzed quantitatively using descriptive
statistics: frequency, mean, standard deviation and percentage through SPSS version 20.00
software. The study revealed that lack of adequate ICT infrastructure, poor quality of internet
and mobile network, inconsistent power, network supply in rural areas of the country, lack of
support & commitment of top level management, lack of availability of well trained manpower to
build agent network, lack of skilled IT personnel, lack of technical and managerial skill of staffs,
lack of confidence with the security aspect, customer’s fear of risk of new technology innovation,
and lack of availability of physical security, The study recommended banks to consider
technology based competition, regulatory body to issue suitable legal frameworks to ease the
adoption of mobile and agent banking system while the government should support banking
sector by investing on ICT infrastructure development and financial education program. |