Abstract: | The burden of poverty falls disproportionately on female and more on female headed households. The study aims to assess determinants of multidimensional poverty status of female headed households in Addis Ababa. The data for the study is taken from 138 sampled households residing in Kirkos sub-city of Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Both descriptive and ordered logistic regression model analysis are employed. According to the descriptive analysis of estimation of MPI, 72% of the households in the sample are multidimensional poor. The intensity of poverty is 44% and the adjusted headcount ratio or MPI is found to be 32%. Based on the result of ordered logistic regression model, level of education of female household head, health status of female household head, employment of female household head, saving status of female household head, monthly household consumption, and Household own the house are found to be significant and negatively associated with multidimensional poverty status of household at 5% level of significance. Moreover, household size and dependency ratio are significant and positively associated with multidimensional poverty status of household at 5% level of significance. Besides, reducing unemployment through job creation, concerned government actors shall provide technical assistance for self-employed opportunity to female household heads and to other members in the household. As female is the heart of the household, supporting and enabling them to generate their own income has multi effects to improve the lives of the households. |