Abstract: | This paper aimed to assess the moment of truth service encounter of Momona Hotel. The sample used in this paper was based on the recommendations of (Malhotra, 2006). 150 questionnaires were distributed; 141 of them were properly filled and returned. The data that are collected from 141 guests of the Hotel show that the majority were male, between the age group 20-26, and with education level of MA and above. Concerning customer selection, convenience sampling approach was used. Interview was used to collect qualitative data from the Marketing Management. Descriptive design was used because the general objective of this paper was to assess the moment of truth service encounter of Momona Hotel. As it is discovered in the research finding, the moment of truth customer experience in the Hotel service delivery is undesirable. Most of the respondents have a negative perspective towards service encounter. This shows that the interactivity between the customer and the Hotel is at stake. Service is all about how you deliver it properly and how the employees understand the service and deliver the expected service. With this perspective, the majority of the respondents are not quite satisfied with the service interaction process form the Hotel because of several reasons. Although the majority of the respondents feel that the interaction during, before and after the service is quite unpleasant, the second majority feel that they get the interaction process pleasant. |