Abstract: | Efforts to attract youth to engage in activities that are carried out, and empowering youth through decision-making on youth development programs or activities organized by youth associations can eventually create quality, credible, and moral values of youth which elevates the roles and participation of youth in society and future more productive development. This study aimed to examine youth participation in decision making and conflict resolution in Assosa Town. Cross sectional data randomly collected from 141 sample respondents in Assosa town, were employed in this study. Descriptive way of analysis has been used. The study reveals that the participation of youth in both decision making and conflict resolution has been challenged by poor responsiveness of local leadership, poverty, lack of access to quality education and training, exclusion of youth’s interest in public issues, restrictive organizational structures, corruption and anti-social behavior of the youth themselves. Thus, the government has to draft sound youth policies which clearly set out the interest of youths in the development process that enhances their participation and benefit out of it. |