Abstract: | The main objective of this study is to identify why all the stakeholders are unable to deliver better quality houses, more job opportunity and slum reduction, while repeated Major and minor construction defects are observed in completed housing units and households are subject to unexpected maintenance costs, despite the Office’s (AAHDPO) efforts to promote them, and to draw conclusions about what needs to be able to improve their capacity. This research involves both qualitative and quantitative approaches for data collection and analysis. To gather quantitative data, five survey questionnaires was administered to HDPO, contractors, MSEs, consultant and house occupants. For qualitative approach, in-depth interviews were carried out to purposefully selected respondents. In addition, observation was used. Lastly, data were collected from documents such as policy documents, reports and contract documents. The main activities in the research design are core problem identification, research objective to tackle the problem, operationalize the variables through intensive literature review, identify population, data collection and data analysis and conclude the research. The selected project site is Yeka Tafo and Goro Silasie, project -4. The findings concerning the support programs indicate that the office itself (HDPO) should have to change its culture that has been implemented with scientific practices, since the study indicated that the practices are in lack of proper management practice, quality control practice, lack of strict supervision, and lack of testing mechanism, lack of technical and managerial knowhow. In general improper implementation of project management knowledge area and project management tools and techniques. The study also aimed to identify major and minor defects in the newly constructed houses. The objective is addressed through research questions that are formulated to find out the effect of the capacity building schemes, to assess the practices and challenges of the implementation of the project (AAIHDP). Finally based on the findings the researcher recommends that special attention need to be given to HDPO, Consultants, small-scale contractors and MSEs in order to improve their capacity. In spite to this alternative construction materials of low-cost housing systems should be further studied to minimize the escalation of conventional construction materials. In addition, the whole construction management process should be improved then real cooperation between stakeholders, strict inspection of construction materials and inspection of works should be practiced, otherwise with this working culture the system might no longer fulfill the housing shortage in the near future. |