Abstract: | Monitoring and evaluation are a very vital component of project management and is an indispensable tool that is significant in ensuring the primary objectives and goals of projects are achieved. The general objective of this thesis was assessing the monitoring and evaluating practice in information system projects of Ethio telecom. For the achievement of its objective, the study employed descriptive research approach and both primary and secondary data were used. Questionnaires and interview were, therefore, used as data collection tools. Furthermore, it employed random sampling and convenience sampling technique. For data analysis and presentation purpose, the research employed tables, frequency and percentage. Ethio telecom employed all stages of evaluation and the tasks that were carried out mostly in monthly, quarterly, mid-term and annual bases in planned manner. Hence, the study revealed that the most Ethio telecom projects monitoring and evaluation process was participatory involving stakeholders through meetings and discussions held at different stages. The other finding is that there were limited human resources both in terms of quality and quantity to conduct monitoring and evaluation at all levels. Competition over projects resource was also other obstacle identified by this study. The study recommended that conducting information system projects outcomes evaluations; reconsidering the human resource structure; Hire qualified and experienced local consultants, providing adequate resources for Ethio telecom implemented project coordination office; providing separate plan and allocated separate for M&E; organize documentation of lesson learned during project implementation, and improving its monitoring and evaluation manual by including projects monitoring and evaluation principles and standards were some points |