Abstract: | Construction projects require the coordinated efforts of all participating teams to effectively
manage project timelines. In Ethiopia, most construction projects fail to be completed within
the contractual deadlines. As a result, expected services are unduly delayed to meet their
intended goals. This practice needs to be improved for effective and efficient project
management. Thus, this research focuses on the assessment of construction project schedule
planning and implementation practices. The objectives of this study were to identify the current
practices regarding project schedule planning and implementation on grand view Addis
project, to identify the major factors to the problems of schedule planning and implementation
and to examine the measures that has to be taken to improve project schedule planning and
implementation. To achieve that Grand view Addis real estate project in Addis Ababa were
studied. The study was carried out through desk study and questionnaires. Average/ mean value
and measures of dispersion (standard deviation) then to determine the ranks of all factors listed
in the questionnaire Relative Importance Index (RII) method were adopted for data analysis.
All the 68 questionnaires distributed were collected. Regarding schedule planning and
implementation practice the result shows that the project is behind schedule. Due to low
practices in established procedures, not using the scope of work and the develop WBS to its full
potential, reasonable activity durations are not set out and at last adequate resources are not
allocating on time for this project. Factors that mainly affect schedule planning are unrealistic
estimates for effort and duration, poor project schedule practices and design changes. In
addition, required improvement parameters suggested are creating a well-planned scheduling
by a competent expert, improve project activities that were interrupt the project schedule (slow
decision making, delayed approvals, delayed payments, change orders) establishing schedule
monitoring and supervision procedures, improving the communication between all parties,
providing timely training on schedule planning and implementation to all personnel involved
in the project. |