Abstract: | The purpose of this study was to assess the quality of education at the school of civil and environmental engineering. It investigates the education quality by using a modified HEQAM-KAU model which constitutes 7 core variables namely Curriculum, Academic Staff, Career prospect, Infrastructure, E-Services, Library services, Administrative services. The study engaged a combination of qualitative and quantitative approach research method using closed questionnaire and semi structured interview. The research employed the descriptive type of research design due to the reason that this research method describes the characteristic of the phenomenon studied. Quantitative and Qualitative data were collected from 125 students and 18 instructors. The model used in this study revealed that the quality of education of Civil Engineering undergraduate program at the school of civil and environmental engineering has found to be medium from the perspective of the sample population participated in the study. Based on individual analysis of main variables at the core of the assessment model, the major factors that are hindrance to quality of education were found to be as poor administrative services, inferior E-services and gloomy career prospect. As the findings indicate, there is a strong need to improve upon the institution’s links with business through internship programs etc. to increase employment opportunities. It is also suggested that University-Industry linkage office shall be led by a qualified career professional specializing in the area as opposed to be being offered to academic staff as an administrative position. Similar suggestion were forwarded regarding the Office of External Relations, which, on paper, is tasked with sowing fruitful relations with other academic and research establishments in order to facilitate opportunities to continue studies abroad. Finally, it was recommended that the school should form an internal quality assessment unit and plan periodic quality assessments on its own as part of improving the quality assurance efforts. |