Abstract: | This paper is a case study assessing the employee performance management system: a case of Gomeju Oil Ethiopia. It aimed at attaining the specific objectives of investigating whether the organization performance management system properly implemented or not, objectives as well as their department’s specific objectives, finding out employees’ perception toward employee performance management system of the company and identifying potential challenges and recommend possible solutions in order to mitigate them. To attain these objectives descriptive survey research design has been deployed by using mixed method approach. For this study Censes survey was used by taking 68 employees to fill in the adapted questionnaire, which is the main data collection instrument. The analysis was done by the help of SPSS and presented using descriptive statistics; frequency tables, percentages, mean and standard deviation. However, data gathered from interview, focus group discussion & document analysis were analyzed contextually. In general the finding of the study revealed that: performance management processes are not done free of bias; pay raises are not depending on how well employees perform their jobs; performance ratters are not competent enough to undertake their assignment and Employees feel they are not fairly treated in every process of performance management system even they do not have received adequate training in performance management. So, based on these findings the researcher concluded that even though GOE has some good qualities in creating awareness about the organizational mission, vision and values but a lot have to be made in making performance management system to be more useful for the organization. In order to fill the identified gap, recommendations were forwarded conducting adequate and timely trainings to its employees concerning the whole aspects of the employee performance management system; promoting and ensuring effective feedback and coaching culture; enhancing the involvement and ownership of both the employees via promoting transparency; and clearly articulate the end-to-end implication of good as well as poor performance. |