Abstract: | The objective of this study is to identify the significance of Common Interest Groups/CIGs/ in socio-economic empowerment of smallholder farmers in particular youth and women in Digelu Tijo Woreda. In this study purposive sampling procedure was employed to select 16 CIGs and 164 sample households.
For this purpose, survey questionnaire was prepared to collect the primary data from the sample households. In addition, FGDs, key informant interviews, field observation and secondary data were also used to collect the necessary information. The data collected was analyzed by using simple statistical descriptions like frequency, mean and percentages. According to the results of the study, the group based investment activities has started to generate a socio economic benefit to members by creating a continuous income to its members and increased their savings, material resources and decision making power of its members. In addition the study highlighted the multi-faceted challenges of rural CIGs that have to be resolved by all sectors that have a stake in organizing and strengthening of CIGs. Based on the major findings, recommendations were forwarded that focused on public and all stakeholders that are working in the overall development of CIGs in rural areas for the socio-economic empowerment of their members. |