Abstract: | In order to survive in a competitive market, improving quality and productivity of product or process is a must for any company. The purpose of this study is to assesses the application of statistical process control for quality improvement. The study adopted descriptive research method. In the course of analyzing the problems, both qualitative and quantitative research methods were introduced. The main tools of data collection were questionnaires, interviews, observation and focus group discussion. Purposive sampling technique was applied to select respondents. The quantitative data collected through questionnaire was analyzed by making use of descriptive statistics using SPSS version 20 software. The study tried to identify the quality related problems and root causes for the defects. The study used the statistical process control tools to identify the variation and figure out the root causes for the variation. Four statistical process control tools were used. The check sheet to record different types of defects occurred in the company. Control chart was used to analyze the weight and PH parameter for the liquid hand soap. Pareto chart constructed to prioritize the vital few defects which were damaged bottle, labeling error, overweight and caps on open mode. Cause and defect diagram was constructed using brainstorming technique for each vital defects. It has been found that the root causes for quality related problems and defects were lack of top management, unskilled operator, lack of awareness about quality and quality improvement, old/outdated machine, raw material quality, lack of employee motivation and lack of effort for quality improvement. |