Abstract: | An efficient agricultural marketing is crucial for effective agricultural and rural development,
which areprecondition for sustained increase in agricultural production, and producer’s
income. This study examined crop marketing performance in Mesalemia crop market of Addis
Ababa, were very densely populated which comprise more than 2500 traders and unknown
number of producers and consumers in Addis Ababa.The study was based thegathered data
200 sample from population using probability sampling design of multi-stage sampling
technique with two stages, in the first stage is stratified based on trading tribute of producers,
traders, consumers and stakeholdersandin the second stageprobability proportional sample
size (PPS), to each strata of market actors were50 from producers, 100 from traders, 20 from
Consumers and 30 from Stakeholders was also collected fromthe farm of the producers, from
the bureau of concerned stakeholders and from Mesalemia crop market of traders and
consumers. Data was collected through the interview by using survey methodby degree of semi
structured questionnairefrom all market actors and stakeholders. The market concentration
indicated that the crop market structure at Mesalemiais fairly competitive. The major barriers
to entry and constraints to crop trade in Mesalemia included lack of working capital; market
information and high competition with unlicensed traders have a negative impact on the
performance of the crop marketing system. The possible recommendations forwarded are
support formal access to credit for traders and farmers, strengthen access to market
information encourage licensing of traders, intervention to increase production by using
improved agricultural inputs, strengthen and conduct a research on the different components
of the Mesalemia marketing system. |