Abstract: | This study was conducted in Addis Ababa city Administration, Akaki Kaliti sub city, and district five and nine. Entitled Assessing the Contribution of Civil Society Organizations in Poverty Reduction of Female Headed Households: the Case of Hiwot Integrated Development Organization. The objective of this study was the role of Hiwot Integrated Development Organization in alleviating the poverty of female headed households in Akaki Kaliti sub city. The study applied qualitative and quantitative data collection methods to gather relevant information. There were different groups of respondents, who participated in the study and from which basic information was collected. Using purposive sampling technique the study takes 140 respondents from 2,941 total population of the project. Data has been collected through interview, questionnaire, observation and document review. The research applied Descriptive Survey method. From the total of 140 respondents 80% were beneficiaries of the project while the remaining 20% of the respondents were from HIDO organization and government officials. The finding and analysis of this research demonstrated that the study NGOs engaged in providing humanitarian service for female and children focusing on building their economic capacity and improving their livelihood by engaging them in to different income generation activities. Despite these initiatives the NGOs activity with regard to Income Generation activity is yet at its infant stages, and still some of the key activities that demand system changes were not addressed. There is less appropriate support on the side of the government for NGOs who are engaged in Income Generation activities especially in facilitating favorable environment for beneficiaries in order to sustain their businesses. The importance of collaborating between government and NGOs is seen as significant point in the study, so that they can bring sustainable change in the lives of the target community. |