Keywords: | public sector, employees, transformational, transaction, laissez-faire, leadership style, job satisfaction, Jimma Zone Administration, Oromia Regional State, Ethiopia. |
Abstract: | Understanding the requirements, motivations, and desires of employees as human resources is essential in the success of any organization. The purpose of the study was to assess the impact of leadership styles (transactional, transformational, and laissez-faire) on job satisfaction of employees in Jimma zone public sectors.
Stratified sampling, simple random sampling (lottery methods) and purposive sampling techniques were used to select the samples for the study. A total of nine sectors and two hundred fourteen employees were selected from twenty-eight sectors (960 total populations. Primary data was collected through closed ended MLQ and JSS standard questionnaire. The findings were supported by reviews from a secondary data such as published articles. Two hundred questionnaires returned were, coded, organized, and analyzed using SPSS-23 version software. Descriptive statistical techniques like mean, standard deviation, and percentage were employed to analyze the finding. Moreover, inferential statistical techniques: Pearson correlation coefficient and simple regression were used.
The result showed that transactional and transformational leadership are positively insignificant as lazier-faire leadership style is negatively insignificant. In addition, the regression analysis showed that transformational leadership style was good predictor of job satisfaction as transactional leadership had positive but insignificant predictor of the same. Inversely, the lazier-faire leadership style predicted job satisfaction negatively.
Therefore, it is recommended that respective organizations would capacitate leaders and subordinates on relevant leadership style in order to achieve the goal of growth and transformation as per the national plan. |