Abstract: | The purpose of the study is to assess the effect of service quality dimensions on customer
satisfaction in the case of private pharmaceutical importers, Ethiopia. A quantitative research
approach using self-administered structured SERVPERF questionnaire was employed. A simple
random sampling was used. A total of 177 responses were collected and analyzed using
descriptive and inferential statistics such as mean, correlation, and regression by using SPSS
version 23 as statistical tool. The result of the study showed 31.1%, 22% and 1.1% of the
respondents are neutral, dissatisfied or strongly dissatisfied by the service provided by private
pharmaceutical importers respectively. The findings of this study indicated that the five service
quality dimensions (tangibility, reliability, responsiveness, assurance and empathy) have a
statistically significant positive relation to the overall customer satisfaction. The regression
analysis showed that 78.3% of the variation on customer satisfaction can be explained by the
variability of the five dimensions of service quality. The results also showed that reliability play
the most important predictor role in determining the level of customer satisfaction followed by
empathy, assurance, tangibility and responsiveness respectively. The research concluded that
there are a significant portion of unsatisfied customers by the service provided by private
pharmaceutical importers. Therefore, the researcher recommends private pharmaceutical
importers to improve the quality of the service by giving emphasis on all of the five service
quality dimensions. |