Abstract: | V
In the timeline features, some of the most importan
t developments in the history of HIV/AIDS in
Africa can be considered. These events are divided
into five categories as follows: spread of
HIV/ AIDS, science and prevention, treatment, globa
l action, and national event. The human
immune-deficiency virus (HIV) has created an enormo
us challenge worldwide. Although
HIV/AIDS is a global epidemic, some countries are m
ore afflicted than others, Sub-Saharan
Africa being the hardest hit.
The human immune-deficiency virus (HIV) is a virus
that destroys parts of the body’s immune
system. HIV is the cause of AIDS. HIV-positive
means the person has been tested and the test
result shows that the HIV virus is present in his/h
er body. Acquired Immune Deficiency
Syndrome (AIDS) is a group of diseases caused by HI
The study was aims at assessing and evaluating Sham
bu Hospital’s interventions for providing
care and support to People living with HIV/AIDS usi
ng cross-sectional data (beginning from
2007 to 2012) in Horo Guduru District of Wollega Zo
ne in North-western Ethiopia. The data
were collected from 60 respondents using semi-struc
tured questioner. It was analyzed using
SPSS version 20 and from the data frequency, percen
tage and cross tabulation was computed.
The result of the study indicated that a total of 6
0 respondents were interviewed for the study.
Majority 38(63.3%) of the respondents were female a
nd the rests were male. The educational
background of the respondents were 9(15.0%) illiter
ate, 9(15.0%) able to read and write,
7(11.7%) 1-4, 10(16.7%) 5-8, 9(15.0%) grade 9-10, 5
(8.3%) grade 11-12, 7(11.7%) certificate
holder and the rests 4(6.7%) were more than diploma
Even if the hospital have some constraints in provi
ding HIV/AIDS care and support, High
number of the respondents were very satisfied by ov
er all ART services at the Hospital while
small number neither satisfied nor unsatisfied resp
ectively. Hence Majority the respondents rate
or evaluate the ART services as very good, among th
is 16 were male 32 were female. Similarly,
11(18.3%) rates the ART services as good and 1(1.7%
) rates as neither good nor bad. |