Abstract: | This study is an empirical study aimed at estimatin
g the levels of child malnutrition and
identifying the basic demographic, socio-economic,
health and environment determinants of
long-term nutritional status among children in Ambo
Town Oromia Regional state.
First, all the available literatures were reviewed
which later helped the development of five
important hypotenuses and the conceptual framework.
A questionnaire constricting of about 40
items was developed and a half day’s training sessi
on was organized for data collator’s and
supervisor. A pilot test was conducted on 8 mothers
having children 0-59 months who are
selected through purposive sampling which helped th
e modification of the questionnaire. In
selecting the 40 HHs, stratified sampling technique
was used. Up on the successful completion
of the fieldwork, the data entry and analysis were
done using SPSS and EPI-INFO Computer
soft ware package.
Both descriptive and inferential statistical techni
ques were used to analyze the variables. The
univarite analysis was used to see the percentage s
hare of background variables. The findings
indicate that 51.3 percent, 13.7 percent and 48.4 p
ercent of children in Ambo town were
stunted, wasted and underweight, respectively.
The findings of the bivarite analysis using chi-squ
are test showed the existence of association
between 17 explanatory variables and stunting. Mult
ivariate analysis using logistic regression
clearly revealed age of child, sex of child, birth
intervals, mothers age at deliver, number of
under-five children, mothers education, HH income,
place of residence, mother ethnicity,
vaccination, mothers ANC visit, source of drinking
water, sanitation facilities, BF and age at
weaning are very important determinant factors.
Finally, improving HH income and mother education,
improvement in ANC visits, expanding
immunizations of children, the quality and quantity
of safe water and sanitation facilities,
extended duration of BF and a weaning through expan
sion of family planning for spacing and
raising the mothers age at birth and minimum of age
mothers at marriage are some of the
recommendations of the study. |