Abstract: | The purpose of this paper is to explore the impact of relationship marketing on
customer loyalty in banking sector in the case of Dashen Bank SC. The study considered five construct dimensions of relationship marketing such as, Trust, Commitment, Communication, Conflict handling and competence, to measure the customer loyalty of Dashen Bank SC. The researcher used both qualitative and quantitative research design, where much emphasis has been given for the latter. Among the various quantitative methods, the researcher used explanatory study, where emphasis is given on studying a situation or a problem in order to explain the relationship between variables.15 (Fifteen) representative Area Banks was selected out of the total population based on judgmental (purposive) sampling technique and customer of the Bank are selected based on convenient random sampling technique. 250 customers were selected based on statistical formula developed by Danie (1999). The data collection instruments were adopted from some previous study Ndubisi&Wah
(2005), which consists of 35(Thirty Five) items. Validity and Reliability test was
conducted to check the consistency and dependability of the instruments and accordingly, all the components of relationship marketing considered under the present
study was proven to be reliable, scoring an Alpha value greater than 0.70. The
Pearson correlation test conducted between customer loyalty and RM components
showed that, there is a significant positive association between them and the researcher also proved that the entire alternative hypothesis was well accepted. The
regressions result confirmed that, the linear combination of all the components of
relationship marketing considered under the present study was significantly contributed
to the variance in the dependent variable customer loyalty. The ANOVA test
result also confirmed that, the prediction powers of the RM components are found to
be statistically significant. From the Beta coefficient result, the researcher obtained
that, trust is found to be the most important variable in predicting the dependent
variable customer loyalty, followed by conflict handling, Communication, commitment
and competence. Finally, the researcher concluded that in the case of Dashen Bank SC, components of relationship marketing has a significant positive impact on customer loyalty. |